April 17, 2024

Elite Zone

The Elite

How Computers Are Related To Calculators In Terms Of The Technology Used

Whenever anyone comes across a computer, he or she usually asks himself or herself are computers advanced calculators?

Many of the people say that the computer is a calculator but with added keys. Somehow they are correct because the computers will have other key on the keyboards which include the function keys and the alphabet keys.

The technology used to come up with calculators is the one that was used to come up with computers.

Both the calculator and computers accepts input data. For the computer the data is entered from the keyboards which includes alphanumeric characters. The data entered is received by the processor and all the data is processed. Calculators relatively work the same way as computers because the users types in the input using the calculator keyboards.

Due to the fact that both the calculatorand computer accepts input then we can say that a computer is an advanced calculator because it only has added keys.

Calculator has the ability to process the data received. The calculator has a processor which upon receiving the input it processes it. For instance lets say the input data was to add five to three, then the processor in the calculator will do the sum and give out the answers.

The same way computers have the ability to process data as calculators because once the data is received it goes to the processor. The processor works on it depending on the nature of data if it’ s either arithmetic or logical. Due to the fact that they both have processing capability, we can say computers are advanced calculators only that computers can process different kinds of data but calculator can only process arithmetic.

Computers gives out data on the monitor or simply the screen. Once the processing has finished then the results are displayed on the screen and can be further saved. They can be saved in an external disk or simply the hard disk. The calculator also displays the output on its screen after processing.

The only difference is that calculator can only store small amount of data and for shorter time as compared to the computer. But because both the calculator and computers can store information then we can say a computer is an advanced calculators.

Basing on the reasons above I can conclude that a computer is an advanced calculator

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