April 26, 2024

Elite Zone

The Elite

Let’s Talk Toxicity Today

One of the many unhealthy yet popular traits around us, is toxicity. Dealing with a toxic person can be quite exhausting and frustrating as well because all they seem to do, is to drain you continuously.

Toxic people

There are different types of toxic people. A great example is the narcissist. This type of person only cares about themselves. They give off “self-centered” vibes all the time because they believe and portray themselves as better than anyone else.

Do you have this sort of friend who is always creating drama everywhere you go? Yes, that is a toxic person better referred to as the “drama magnet.” This person thrives off of gossip and drama. They may put you in really uncomfortable situations too.

The compulsive liar who lies, gaslights and manipulates you constantly. Do you have a friend who always plays victim even in scenarios where they are clearly the perpetrator? That is a toxic person as well and you should run.

Fortunately enough, there are ways you can deal with a toxic person. Knowing how to navigate through is quite vital because you need to take care of your mental health.

Number one is setting boundaries for yourself. Many struggle with this, and in turn allow the toxicity to affect them because they have not drawn clear and bold lines to limit the effects.

Forgive and forget. This has to be one of the most cliché sayings but it is very helpful when dealing with toxic people in your life. As hard as it can be, try your best to let go of the wrong doings and dwell on other things. Do not allow them to cloud your mind at all.

Lastly, check yourself too. You might also be a toxic person even unconsciously. Keep doing your absolute best to change , to learn and to grow.

  1. Do not create, invite nor associate with toxicity. 

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