May 1, 2024

Elite Zone

The Elite

Will Introduction Of Computers In Every Sector Take People’s Jobs?

Sectors in the world which include production sectors, manufacturing sectors and distribution sectors have started moving from the world of manual doing of things to the introduction of computers.Computers can be used in the production sectors to perform many tasks.

Lets say for example the agricultural sector where they want to apply fertilizer in a certain portion of land. To calculate how much fertilizer will be needed will be a task which will need to be known. When the firm uses the manual method by using the human beings to calculate, it will take some days and sometimes months. When they decide to use the Computers they will take the shortest time because computers are very fast.

This means that the manual human beings will be loosing their jobs due to the introduction of the Computers. This is a clear indication that Computer will make people in the production sectors to lose jobs.

In the manufacturing sector and processing sector some firms still use manual human beings to perform some tasks. Lets take for example a firm which does processing of fertilizer. During the processing the firm will need to know the percentage in which they will have to mix in given proportions for it to get the desired samples. Inorder to calculate the proporrions, it will be easier to use the computer than the human beings. Human beings will have taken alot of time to get the proportins. The people in the processing sector will have to be jobless as computers will have taken their jobs.

In the distribution sectors, some people will lose jobs because the inquiries and sometimes handling of package will be done by computers. The computer will be the one receiving the requests check in the store if the product requested for is in the store and will give the feedback. Unlike human beings who will have taken alot of time to go through the stores to check whether the product requested for is available. This means that the people who will have been doing a the job manually will have to lose their job.

Basing on the fact that Computers are first as compared to human beings then the people will lose jobs. Many of the people will have to join other sectors where computers are not used inorder for them to get jobs.

How computers work

How Computers Are Related To Calculators In Terms Of The Technology Used

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