May 6, 2024

Elite Zone

The Elite

Why Money Heist Season 5 Vol I Is a Disappointment

Money Heist Season 5 Vol II is at the moment the film that is being waited for with baited breath. Talk of suspense, thrill, anger, sorrow and despondency all stuffed in a one 40 second scene. Have you watched the fifth episode yet that was just recently released? If not, then you should, as soon as possible.

The thriller action pact series started on 2nd of May 2017 and will finally end come December 3rd 2021. It is a Spanish film that took the world’s interest just instantly. It is about a criminal mastermind known simply as ‘The Professor’ who plans on pulling the biggest heist in history at the Bank of Spain.

He thus recruits people required to complete the job and only best known to one another by their fake country names. Professor frustrates the police, breaks the law massively, but one thing remains, we all love his role.

Season 5 Vol I was released on 3rd of September and just these five episodes have frustrated all of us. We need more! The film features one Ursula Corbero, Alvaro Morte, Miguel Herran, and Pedro Alonso as the main characters in the show.

It is no lie that this show takes one to a frenzy, because for most of us, on the release dates, we never get a shut eye. All the drama in the film combined with the cinematography, and post production of the movie itself, gives a feeling never experienced before.


After the 5th season however, I have made peace with myself and I think all other fellow Money Heist fans should do the same thing too. We need not get attached to any more movies from now henceforth because we might as well end up killing ourselves out of anger and depression.

The final episode was filled with suspense and has made all of us watchers just remain in panic mode till December 3rd. Why would they do that to us and what will happen next?

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