May 3, 2024

Elite Zone

The Elite

University Of Kabianga On Strike

Breaking it all: The University Of Kabianga On Strike As They Stage A Peaceful Demonstration Following This
Students at the University of Kabianga went on the rampage on Monday to protest the management’s planned fee hike.Students were shocked to wake up only to see their fee structure were adjusted to an increment of kshs.10000.

“It’s wrong to suddenly wake up one morning and decide to raise fees,” one student remarked, “and we won’t let it happen.”


Some students said that the university’s administration had not informed them that their fees will be hiked by Ksh.10000.

According to private sources Students staged a peaceful demonstration within the school premises demanding the reason why they increased the fee without their consent.


“Is it madness?” one of the students exclaimed, “at these time of COVID, when the economy is in shambles, where do we obtain the money?”

Students now need the administration and finance Offices to explain to them the reasons behind the increment.


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