April 25, 2024

Elite Zone

The Elite

A Great Story To Learn Of A Soccer Ball

A story is told of students in a class whose teacher asked them what they would wish to become if given a chance to choose only one wish. One student raised her hand and said she would like to become a shoe. When asked why is that, she mentioned that it’s because she can be worn by even the rich and wealthy and travel to various places of the world.

The second student took his stand and responded that he would like to be like an airplane. Asked why so, he too mentioned that he would always be flying high above the clouds and be on the top while others are below him.

The teacher was amazed by those imitations and feedbacks by the students then the teacher noticed one very quiet student who sat at the center of the class; the student wasn’t known to the teacher and the teacher got curious to know what the student would like to become.

The student looked up and nodded at the teacher as a show of deep understanding of the question and responded with these words, “I would like to be a ball; a soccer ball.” The teacher got surprised and thus asked the student why he said so. The student without a rush responded and said that the reason I would like to be a soccer ball is that the ball is always kicked, thrown away but it doesn’t retaliate or kickback. Thus, it loves peace.

Secondly, a ball is chased here and there by people and every time one kicks it for a score, it makes all people who have scored a goal very happy and cheerful. It seems to bring joy to the people involved and brings rewards to them.

In addition, a ball bounces back every time it falls to the ground and thus it doesn’t lie down completely. This is in essence that when one falls, he or she should be willing to bounce back and rise up again.

The teacher was amazed by such wisdom and commended the student for the great insight.

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