May 6, 2024

Elite Zone

The Elite

What Does Acting Digital Mean

You may already use technologies and digital tools in different aspects of your life. You might use mobile technologies, like a phone or tablet, to download materials or information from the internet or you may use them to communicate with friends and family. You may use information and communication technologies (ICT) mainly for work or for learning, or you might use it primarily for entertainment. In reality, people often use different technologies and tools for a mixture of purposes.

Technologies can impact on our lives in many ways. They can have positive effects by enabling us to do things we could not do before or by making our lives easier. But they can also cause negative feelings, such as anxiety, or encourage unacceptable behaviours such as online bullying.

To act digitally you must be able to Understand the concept of ‘being digital’ and some of the ways that different information and communication technologies (ICT) can impact on your life, Demonstrate an awareness of the affordances of different technologies and to decide which tools are most appropriate for different activities,Use some technologies or tools that you have not tried before, Identify the potentials and limitations of different ICT tools and services.

You must understand What you can do with a technology or tool that is relating to its specific functions. E.g. The primary affordance of a phone is to enable communication, although a ‘smartphone’ has other affordances such as connecting to the internet, taking photos, sharing content. In terms of Information and communication technologies (ICT) you must understand Technologies used to create, store, manage and convey data electronically.

Most of us use technologies and tools every day. Not all technologies are digital, but even traditional manual technologies, such as a plough, are now increasingly using computers and other technologies to improve their performance or make them easier to use.

digital world

All You need to know About Digital World

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